On March 21st, 2022, a meeting with the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences - professor Jerzy Duszyński and the Vicepresident professor Paweł Rowiński was held at the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy od Sciences in Sopot. The meeting was organized by the Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdańsk and the IO PAN in Sopot. The meeting was attended by members of the Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences and representatives of institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences from Tricity and Toruń. At the meeting, the management of the Polish Academy of Sciences presented the concept of the reform of the Polish Academy of Sciences presented to the Minister of Education and Science. The meeting was held in hybrid mode, with online transmission.
The scientific community around the Academy of Young Scientists of the Polish Academy of Sciences took immediate action on the second day after the conflict broke out and animated support for scientists from Ukraine who now need help as never before. You can find out more on the website of AMU PAN and on their profiles in social media: https://amu.pan.pl/en/wsparcie-dla-uczonych-z-ukrainy/
President of the Polish Academy of Sciences introduce a new tool supporting cooperation with the Ukrainian researchers within the framework of cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU)!
General terms and conditions and the application available directly on the PAN website: https://informacje.pan.pl/informacje/materialy-dla-prasy/3534-pobyty-naukowcow-z-ukrainy-w-pan
In the name of Institute employees we express our solidarity with heroic fight of Ukraine against the oppressor.
Every one of us is already involved individually in support for Ukraine.
As research institute we declare our readiness to help Ukrainian scientists in finding shelter and job during this difficult time.
Jan Marcin Węsławski, Sławomir Sagan, Joanna Przedrzymirska-Ziółkowska
Naukowcy z Zakładu Ekologii Morza naszego Instytutu zajmują się badaniem wpływu topniejących lodowców na planktonowe organizmy w Arktyce. Wyniki, które uzyskali do tej pory w projekcie CoastDark zostały opublikowane w Science of the Total Environment (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146491), a niedawno również w popularnonaukowym artykule w czasopiśmie Frontiers for Young Minds. Nastoletni recenzenci pieczołowicie czuwali nad tym, aby ten ostatni artykuł był zrozumiały nawet dla najmłodszych dzieci. Efekt naszych wspólnych wysiłków znajduje się tu: https://kids.frontiersin.org/art.../10.3389/frym.2022.745930