Institute news

Polish Scientific Institutions for Information Society under Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
Polish Scientific Institutions for Information Society under Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development

April 21-22, 2022 at Acadèmie Polonaise des Sciences Centre Scientifique à Paris in Paris.  

Registration under the link:

The symposium will be available at the link: Day I:

Day II:

Direct link to the platform-Day I:  

Direct link to the platform-Day II: 

Programme to download: paris_ecudo_symposjum

Financial support was provided by grant: Oceanographic Data and Information System (


Easter reminds us that hope must never be lost. We wish you all and ourselves, at least a moment of respite in that difficult time. Easter that is filled with plenty of love and happiness!

Institutional cooperation with Russian centers
Institutional cooperation with Russian centers

Due to the lack of a clear policy regarding contacts with institutions and scientists from Russia, IO PAN suspends all institutional cooperation with Russian centers.

Statement of the Director of IO PAN on cooperation with Russian institutions


Meeting with the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Meeting with the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences

On March 21st, 2022, a meeting with the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences - professor Jerzy Duszyński and the Vicepresident professor Paweł Rowiński was held at the Institute of Oceanology  Polish Academy od Sciences in Sopot. The meeting was organized by the Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdańsk and the IO PAN in Sopot. The meeting was attended by members of the Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences and representatives of institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences from Tricity and Toruń. At the meeting, the management of the Polish Academy of Sciences presented the concept of the reform of the Polish Academy of Sciences presented to the Minister of Education and Science. The meeting was held in hybrid mode, with online transmission.

Sea researchers from the Baltic states call for a break in scientific cooperation with Russia
Sea researchers from the Baltic states call for a break in scientific cooperation with Russia

AMU PAN - Support of Scientists from Ukraine
AMU PAN - Support of Scientists from Ukraine

The scientific community around the Academy of Young Scientists of the Polish Academy of Sciences took immediate action on the second day after the conflict broke out and animated support for scientists from Ukraine who now need help as never before. You can find out more on the website of AMU PAN and on their profiles in social media: