With deep regret, we have received message, that professor Janusz Pempkowiak, died 22nd of June 2021. He was a long time emploee, the director of institute for two terms, he was also a head of the Committee for Marine Research Polish Academy of Sciences, and a chief editor of OCEANOLOGIA. We will remember him as an outstanding researcher and scientific life organiser
Eurofleets+ held its second Floating University on the use bio-optical parameters as convenient tool to study marine biogeochemical processes on board the Instytut Oceanologii PAN’s RV Oceania in Gdańsk. The 8-day training programme attracted postgraduate students of 7 nationalities (Greeks, English, Mexican, Italian, Slovenian, and German) affiliated at educational and research institutions in 5 European countries (Italy, Greece, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain)
As part of the Euro-Argo RISE project, IO PAN & FMI will organise a Baltic and Arctic Argo online workshop.
The first day will be devoted to the general Argo floats knowledge. During the second day there will be two two-hour sessions covering the subject of Argo in the Baltic Sea and the Arctic.
We invite participants from the Baltic and Arctic communities, that are interested in using Argo data or engaging with Argo activities to join the workshop. More information about the workshop and details for registration can be found under the following link:
The 2020 HiFi for All – Collaborations SMRT Grant Program was open to scientists worldwide and offered three winning projects awards of up to 10 SMRT Cells 8M and sequencing on the Sequel II or IIe
One of inter-continental collaborators team of biologists and geneticists, led by winner Michael Metzger (PNRI, USA) is Artur Burzynski (IO PAN, Poland). Together, this team has assembled the most widespread marine transmissible cancer lineage known and aims to use HiFi sequencing to detect and phase somatic variants to understand the selective pressures underlying this fatal and unexplained phenomenon.
We invite young people between 14 and 17 years from Poland, Romania and Germany to take part in a virtual summer school "Ocean@Home: the oceans in a changing climate" from July 12 to 23, 2021!
President of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) Prof. Jerzy Duszyński, awarded five researchers representing various fields of science for outstanding scientific achievements in 2020. The scientific award of the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences for 2020 was awarded to: Prof. Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the use of mathematical models and computer simulations as new methods of recognizing processes in the marine environment.